
LockBit APT

Attribute Value Name LockBit Aliases ABCD Type Malware Country of Origin Based out of Netherlands, operated by individuals of Russian descent. Not sponsored by Russian State. State Sponsored []Unknown [x] Unconfirmed [] Confirmed Active Since September 2019 Discovered by Target Countries US, India, and Brazil Target Organizations Healthcare & Education are the biggest victims Organization

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Flea APT

Attribute Value Name Flea Aliases APT15Backdoor Diplomacyke3chang Nylon Typhoon (formerly Nickel)Playful TaurusRoyal APTVixen Panda Type Malware Country of Origin China State Sponsored []Unknown [] Unconfirmed [x] Confirmed Active Since 2004 Discovered by Symantec Target Countries Americas Target Organizations Various ministries of foreign affairs Organization Size First discovered Tools Graphican is said to be an evolution

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What are the benefits of NetFlow?

NetFlow is a network protocol that collects metadata about the IP traffic flowing across network devices such as routers, switches and hosts¹. NetFlow data has many benefits for network performance monitoring and optimization, such as: Sources (1) What is NetFlow? | IBM. (2) 5 Benefits of NetFlow Performance Monitoring – (3) NetFlow

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