
Cyber Security News for 3Apr2020

“Microsoft says that an Emotet infection was able to take down an organization’s entire network by maxing out CPUs on Windows devices and bringing its Internet connection down to a crawl after one employee was tricked to open a phishing email attachment.”  https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/microsoft-emotet-took-down-a-network-by-overheating-all-computers/ “A recent event highlights just how severe the matter can become if

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Cyber Security News for 1Apr2020

“Microsoft has started to send targeted notifications to dozens of hospitals about vulnerable public-facing VPN devices and gateways located on their network. As part of their tracking of various groups behind human-operated ransomware attacks, Microsoft has seen one of the operations known as REvil (Sodinokibi) targeting vulnerabilities in VPN devices and gateway appliances to breach a network.” https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/microsoft-is-alerting-hospitals-vulnerable-to-vpn-attacks/ “According

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Cyber Security news of note for 29Mar2020

“A clean phone is a safer phone. Washing your device regularly will prevent the spread of bacteria,” explains the Telus video.  Zoom Removes Code That Sends Data to Facebook  Apple inserts a laughable trick into its new privacy policy  Google’s Right-to-Be-Forgotten Fine Toppled by French Court  >4,000 Android apps silently access your installed software  This

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