MediaDefender’s emails exposed by hackers

Hackers have posted on the internet MediaDefender Inc emails sent between the company employees.  The emails contain information on how they conduct business, by trapping unsuspecting video posters and then providing that info to media companies so that appropriate action can be taken against them.  Some emails also contained passwords on how to log onto their website for administering it. My rant…..what will […]

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TD Ameritrade hacked!

TD Ameritrade follows ‘s footsteps.  About 6.3 million customer records were hacked, although TD Ameritrade states that the records did not contain social security numbers and account numbers.  No other details around the incident were disclosed. As a result of this customer have started receiving phishing emails, which could lead to identity theft. In

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Google Maps Street View violates Canadian Privacy Laws

The new Google Maps feature “Street View” could violate Canadian Privacy Laws, which state that “businesses first obtain consent from individuals before disclosing it”.  The street level views also include individuals’ pictures making them identifiable.  These pictures were taken without individuals consent.  This feature is available for 9 major US cities, and the plans are

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Parts of PATRTIOT ACT scrutinized

Finally, PATRIOT ACT is being scrutinized for being too one sided and not caring about an individuals privacy.  The questions that are being asked are “should the ISP’s relinquish their customer records on a request from FBI” without proper paperwork.  FBI has in issued NSL‘s (National Security Letters) to get private & personal information from

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DHS abandons anti-privacy data mining program

This highly intrusive program which violated personal privacy at every level has been abandoned, why?  Because the genii (plural of genius) testing the application violated all security principles by performing test on REAL personal data.  Known as ADVISE (Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement) was initiated in 2003, it was to be used by

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