Shahid Sharif

RIM Playbook worth it?

April 16, 2011 RIM Playbook worth it? Interesting article,RIM makes a play for its future, about RIM Playbook, a market which is dominated by Apple iPad. Discovered interesting facts about this new device: * Designed in Waterloo, Canada. * QNX OS running on Playbook was also a Canadian acquisition from Ottawa. This OS will also […]

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LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.. and your Privacy!

This online community phenomenon is catching up pretty quickly.  People are constantly putting their lives online, identity thieves and other criminal minded can very easily perform reconnaissance activities from the comfort of their homes before the unleashing their final attack. Before the advent of social networking websites search engines were a source of wealth of

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How safe is Virtualization?

Virtualization is the new technology all IT Departments are headed towards in order to capitalize on unused CPU cycles.  Agreed it is a good way of getting the most bang for your buck! Initially, virtualization technology was used on the server side only.  Now it is infiltrating the desktop’s also.  With applications such has VirtualBoxfrom

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Social-networking apps?

Did you know everytime you download an application to add more bells and whistels to you social-networking website you are consenting to allowing the developers of that application access to your profile, minus your address.  This even works if you have set yourself as private as you can.  People remember that, if you are providing

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Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment methodologies have been a controversial topic for a while.  There are to ways to asses risk: Qualitative Quantitative One school of thought believes that Qualitative is the way to go, hence they contend with High/Medium/Low kind of ranking. The other school of thought believes that Quantitative is the way to go where the

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