Finding employment has always been a challenge. In the past your education was enough to land you a good opportunity. These days along with good education one also has to know the right people and have a level of engagement on social media. Following are common sites:
Besides these sites one also has to ensure enough exposure via job hunting sites like:
- Monster, and its various local sites like Monster Canada, Monster Gulf, etc….
- Workopolis
- Dice
- Glassdoor
All of the above sites do not ask the user for registration fees, as the employer who has posted on these sites pays the particular site if they are able to employ a suitable candidate through them. If a site is asking for registration fees, please do not register with them and avoid such sites altogether.
Privacy & Data Protection
When someone offers you a job, they should be asking you about your education and work experience only. They do not need to know any other details. This age we are currently now in, is all about data, everyone is after your personal information. Any site that offers you free registration where you provide as much information about yourself as possible in exchange for a certain service, you are a product in their eyes. One has to ensure that you keep following pieces of information to your heart and not share with anyone else, if they do ask for it, politely as why do they need to collect it:
- Date of Birth
- Religion
- Race
- Fathers, mothers, siblings, and friends name
- Citizen Card ID number and details
- Passport number and details
- Bank details
- Credit card details
If someone has all this info on you then they can easily impersonate you, and it will be a very difficult task to get yourself out of that mess, it could take years and un-necessary tension.
Ensure you are using all the available tools on the internet and via your social network to look for employment ensuring that you share information necessary to land a job.